The Polyglot Miller’s Tale Returns!

2014 Polyglot Reading, NCS Congress, Reykjavik, Iceland

It’s that time again! We’re rounding up participants for the “Polyglot Miller’s Tale Reading” at the 2022 NCS Congress in Durham, UK.

After some shuffling to accommodate more participants, we’re happy to announce that the reading is now scheduled for Wednesday, 13 July, 7:30p to 8:30p.

Currently, we have volunteers to read in French, Italian, German, Polish, Arabic, Hebrew, Dutch, and (be still my heart!) Lithuanian. We’d still love to add more languages, such as Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Malayalam, Frisian, Romanian, Norwegian, Serbian, Icelandic, Spanish, Turkish, Afrikaans, Portuguese, Finnish, Estonian, Greek, Russian, Ewe, Farsi, Czech, Taiwainese, and any other language into which the tale has been translated. (For help finding a translation, contact us or refer to our list of translations; if you know of others, please let us know.)

Depending on the total number of volunteers, participants will be asked to read around 50-60 lines apiece.

If you’d like to be part of the fun, please email us (GlobalChaucers at gmail dot com) with this info:

  1. which language(s) you’d like to read in;
  2. if you possess a copy of The Miller’s Tale in that language (if you don’t, we likely can send a copy to you); and
  3. if you consent to being recorded (both audio/video).

In mid-May, we will send your line assignments (and a copy of your lines, if requested).

We appreciate your patience as we pull together what promises to be a lively event.